Xiuli Sun received her Ph.D in economics from School of Economics in Georgia Institute of Technology in 2015 Summer. Her research interests include labor economics, industry organization, environmental economics, and applied econometrics. Her current focus is on studying the relationship between firm-level human capital and innovation in China. She is studying patents, product innovation and productivity in China from human capital perspective. She has presented her research at several international conferences.
1 Firm-level Human Capital and Innovation: Evidence from China, Sun, X., Li, H., and Vivek Ghosal, working paper.
2 Firm-level Human Capital and Product Innovation in China, Xiuli Sun, working paper.
3 Firm-level Human Capital and Productivity in Chinese manufacturing firms, Xiuli Sun, working paper.
4 Li, H., Tong, T. & Sun, X. (2015): Human capital of managerial leadership is related to innovativeness of the enterprise. Policy Brief, proceedings of LLLight’in’ Europe research project. Retrievable at: www.lllightineurope.com/publications.